Hanshijingxian Innovation Technology (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 8.9英寸显示器、12.5英寸显示器、13.3英寸显示器、15.6英寸显示器、17.3英寸显示器


US$140.00 - US$150.00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 10 pieces
Complete Supply Chain
The company has a well established supply chain with stable suppliers of motherboards, housings and screens for monitors. The warehouse is fully stocked with materials for the production of monitors.
Mass Manufacturing
The production department has four production lines with a monthly display capacity of 20,000 units. The production department has a standardized and efficient assembly line.
Rigorous Testing
The company produces portable monitors that are 100% tested. Rigorous testing ensures that the screen is free of defects, the monitor functions without abnormalities, and the appearance is intact.
OEM and Customized Solution
The company can provide not only standard models of displays, but also customized solutions for brand and industry customers, such as displays on voting machines and robots.
Sales and Marketing
Our portable monitors are sold all over the world and are available in all major e-commerce platforms. The quality of our products has received recognition from everyone.
Strong Team
Our company also has perfect management and training system. Every new employee will have sufficient training before formal work. We're encouraged and happy to work here.